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Awesome-echarts Awesome list of ECharts. Use command - F or ctrl - F to search for a keyword. If you want to contribute to this list (please do), send a pull request. Please follow alphabetic order for both language and project names. 提示:带有「 🇨🇳」的项目为中文资源,或包含中文文档。. About is a free, powerful charting and visualization library offering an easy way of adding intuitive, interactive, and highly customizable charts to your commercial products.
It is written in pure JavaScript and based on, which is a whole new lightweight canvas library. Learn Official docs. 🇨🇳.
🇨🇳. 🇨🇳 Videos. 🇨🇳 @kener. 🇨🇳 @爱蘑菇的前端狗 Extensions. 🇨🇳 - A plugin for ArcGIS JS API to load echarts3 map and Make big data visualization easier.
Packages the maps of 363 Chinese provincial cities for ECharts. Packages the maps of 213 countries and regions for ECharts. An extension to visualize data on leaflet maps. ECharts graph modularity extension for community detection.
🇨🇳 - A plugin for leaflet to load echarts3 map and Make big data visualization easier. 🇨🇳 - ECharts MapBoxGL 扩展,可以从二,三维视角展示空间点,线,面,数据. A plugin to integrate ECharts 3 as a layer with. 🇨🇳 - ECharts 的 OpenLayers 扩展,实现 OpenLayers 地图数据可视化,支持 OpenLayers 3 和 OpenLayers 4。. ECharts wordcloud extension based on wordcloud2.js.
🇨🇳 - ECharts 百度地图扩展,可以在百度地图上展现点图,线图,热力图等可视化。 Frameworks AngularJS Binding. @wangshijun - AngularJS bindings for Baidu ECharts. 🇨🇳 @bornkiller - Simple AngularJS wrap for Baidu ECharts. 🇨🇳 @liekkas React Component.
@hustcc - baidu Echarts(v3.0) components for React wrapper. 🇨🇳 @somonus. @xlsdg - React component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x). 🇨🇳 @liekkas Vue Component. 🇨🇳 @PUGE - 在vue中优雅,高效的使用echarts. @Justineo - ECharts component for Vue.js. @panteng - A custom directive for using Echarts in Vue.js apps.
@LeungZ9 - A lite Vue.js 2.0+ component for ECharts V3. @xlsdg - Vue.js(v2.x+) component wrap for ECharts.js(v3.x+). Languages iOS. 🇨🇳 @Pluto-Y - This is a highly custom chart control for iOS and Mac apps, which build with the EChart(Echart2). Java.
🇨🇳 @Liuzh533 - 一个供Java开发使用的ECharts的开发包。 JavaScript. Julia. @randyzwitch - Julia package for the ECharts 3 visualization library.
Jupyter-Notebook. @pyecharts dev team - Integrates ECharts with jupyter notebook via nbextensions.NET. 🇨🇳 @idoku - ECharts的.NET类库,从ECharts的Java类库移植。 Node.js.
@chfw - Puppeteer! Scrape all echarts from this web page please!. 🇨🇳 @suxiaoxin - 后台生成ECharts图表 PureScript.
Purescript bindings for Baidu's Echarts library. Python. @chfw - Draw ECharts using python language in modern browsers. @yufeiminds - Generate Echarts options with Python. @napjon - Statistical Interactive Visualization with pandas+Jupyter integration on top of Echarts. 🇨🇳 @chenjiandongx - Python Echarts Plotting Library. @pyecharts dev team - Renders the output of pyecharts as png, jpeg, gif and pdf R.
🇨🇳 @XD-DENG - To insert interactive charts from ECharts into R Shiny applications. 🇨🇳 @taiyun - A R interface to ECharts for data visualization.
@yihui - An R Interface to ECharts PHP. @hisune - a PHP library that works as a wrapper for the Echarts js library. Community. 🇨🇳.
🇨🇳 License.
I switched to yarn from npm cause it does everything that npm does (almost everything and more), only faster. And by faster I mean, really really fast, like. What is yarn, anyways? Its a package manager for your code (just like npm) from Facebook. How to install yarn on your OSX?
Brew install yarn This will also install node. Use this if you want to skip installing node. Brew install yarn -without-node You could also use npm itself to install yarn ( and then switch to yarn completely ) npm i -g yarn If you already have yarn and would like to upgrade to the latest version: brew upgrade yarn If you are already familiar with npm heres a list of commands that can help you switch to yarn faster. Here will be a table Example of “yarn why ” Pretty useful command to get package details and info nsingh$ yarn why babel-core yarn why v0.27.5 1/4 Why do we have the module 'babel-core'.? 2/4 Initialising dependency graph. 3/4 Finding dependency. 4/4 Calculating file sizes.
Info Has been hoisted to 'babel-core' info Reasons this module exists - 'babel-core#babel-register' depends on it - Specified in 'devDependencies' info Disk size without dependencies: '228kB' info Disk size with unique dependencies: '8.25MB' info Disk size with transitive dependencies: '17.06MB' info Number of shared dependencies: 28 Done in 0.91s Screenshot of “yarn upgrade-interactive v0.27.5 “ Speed Test: npm vs yarn npm install took 26 secs yarn install tool 9.95 secs (Note: I will be updating this page as and when needed). In this post we will initialize a project using the webpack template (provided out of the box by This post assumes that you already have the vue-cli installed. See the previous post if not – Now we initialize a project using the webpack template: vue init web pack vuewebpackdemo Next step is to install the dependencies using npm or yarn (Yarn was much faster): npm install OR yarn install nsingh$ yarn install yarn install v0.27.5 1/4 Resolving packages.
2/4 Fetching packages. 3/4 Linking dependencies. 4/4 Building fresh packages.
Done in 7.15s. Once done, start the dev server: npm start OR yarn start This will launch the app in your browser: You can open the project in your favorite IDE ( am using atom) and start adding/modifying content and see the updates immediately in your browser window: So we have a vue project with webpack template ready to go and work on. In this post we will setup a vue-cli for scaffolding due projects. First things first, install vue-cli At the time of writing this, to install vue-cli you need:. Node installed (works with version 4.x). npm version 2+ nsingh$ node -v v4.2.1 nsingh$ npm -v 2.14.7 Now install the CLI: sudo npm install -g vue-cli Now we initialize a project.
The command to use is: vue init Vue provides the following scaffolding templates:. webpack – A full-featured Webpack + vue-loader setup with hot reload, linting, testing & css extraction. webpack-simple – A simple Webpack + vue-loader setup for quick prototyping.
browserify – A full-featured Browserify + vueify setup with hot-reload, linting & unit testing. browserify-simple – A simple Browserify + vueify setup for quick prototyping. pwa – PWA template for vue-cli based on the webpack template. simple – The simplest possible Vue setup in a single HTML file Custom templates can also be used ( Read here: ) Lets start with the simple template: nsingh$ vue init simple simpledemo This will ask a couple of questions (like name and author) and we can go with the default answers.?
Name simpledemo? Author.Nishant.:: vue-cli Generated 'simpledemo'.
Now go to the folder and see the folder structure: nsingh$cd simpledemo nsingh$tree. └── index.html Note: command “tree” can be installed on mac OS using: brew install tree Now you can open the code in your favorite editor (Would recommend atom or sublime ) and launch the code in browser: This will launch on (Default port on atom-live-server) And the output can be seen. So the “simple” template added the index.html with links to the vue js script and ready for exploring vue. Next we will learn on using the webpack template. Created By: Debasis Das (29-May-2017) In this post we will see how CAReplicatorLayer works and create a couple of sample code to play around with CAReplicatorLayer CAReplicatorLayer is essentially a layer that creates a specified number of copies of its sublayers, each copy potentially having geometric, temporal, and color transformations applied to it.
We can use a CAReplicatorLayer object to build complex layouts based on a single source layer that is replicated with transformation rules that can affect the position, rotation color, and time. In this post we will create the below samples. In continuation to the we will work with Animator Proxy to achieve animation in Mac OS Applications. Animator Proxy Some simple Mac OSX Animation can be achieved through the usage of Animator Proxy. Animator proxy is the quickest and easiest way to implement animation effects in views and windows. The animations caused by using animator proxy is called as Cocoa Animation or Cocoa Animatable Proxy Animation. Animator proxy provides a benefit to achieve animations without using core animation layers.
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The way animator proxy works is rather than an UI object changing its own size or origin asks the animator proxy to change its properties values using an animation effect. Created By: Debasis Das (27-May-2017) Swift Mac OS Animation Animation in Mac OSX has a long history and there are more than one option for achieving an animated behavior in a Mac Application. We can achieve animation in a Mac Application using 1. Simple View Animation 2.
Echarts 3d For Mac
Using Animation Proxy or 3. Using Core Animation on CALayer The above animation techniques can be used in isolation or it can be merged with each other to achieve a certain animation behavior The decision to use one approach vs the other purely depends on the animation complexity and the degree of control that is desired. Whether user interaction is desired on the screen that has animated layers etc. If a simple animation such as animating the size of the NSWindow is required, it would be easier to simply use an animator proxy to achieve the functionality, however if we have complex requirement of creating a firework effect, we would need to look beyond View Animation or using an animator proxy.
In this post we will see how Core Animation works in Mac OSX. CAAnimation is the abstract superclass for all Core Animations. CAAnimation has the following subclasses – CABasicAnimation – CAKeyframeAnimation – CAAnimationGroup – CATransition We can animate the contents of our applications by attaching animations (Stated above) with Core Animation Layers CABasicAnimation. Provides basic single-keyframe animations to the CALayers properties. While initializing a CABasicAnimation we state the keypath of the property that we want to animate. The property can be the backgroundColor, it can be the layer opacity or border color etc.
The animation has a from and a to value that need to be stated. for example, we can animate the color change of a CALayer from red to green by creating a CABasicAnimation with backgroundColor keypath and then state the fromValue as red and toValue as green CAKeyframeAnimation. Is similar to CABasicAnimation with a difference that it can accept multiple intermediate values and multiple intermediate keyTimes that controls how the transition happens. The timing and pacing of keyframe animations are complex than the basic animations. There is a property of CAkeyframeAnimation called as calculationMode which defines the algorithm of the animation timing. Below are the calculation modes. kCAAnimationLinear – provides a linear calculation between keyframe value.
kCAAnimationDiscrete – each keyframe value is used in turn and no interpolated values are calculated. kCAAnimationPaced – Linear keyframe values are interpolated to produce an even pace throughout the animation. kCAAnimationCubic – Smooth spline calculation between keyframe values. kCAAnimationCubicPaced – Cubic keyframe values are interpolated to produce an even pace throughout the animation. The decision of the calculationMode plays a key role based on what type of animation we are trying to achieve.
A bouncing ball effect would require the ball to fall at a slow speed initially and gradually the speed should increase and when it hits the ground it should bounce back with initial higher speed and the speed should taper at the top before it reverses direction. CAAnimationGroup. Allows multiple animations to be grouped and run concurrently.
Echarts 3dqqfor Mac Miller
We can create multiple animations using CABasicAnimation or CAKeyframeAnimation each having a different animation duration and then we can create a CAAnimationGroup using an array of individual animations. The CAAnimationGroup also has a duration property which if smaller than individual animation durations will clip the individual animation durations. Using a combination of CABasicAnimation, CAKeyframeAnimation and CAAnimationGroup we can achieve amazing animation effects.
We will progress through to create the below animation effect.