Age Of Empires 3 Update For Mac
This is Age of Empires 3 for mac with 2 expansion packs: The Warchiefs and The Asian Dynasties. This is the standalone version, so all you need to do is download the file, then unzip it, then double click to play. Multiplayer on LAN has been tested on Snow Leopard and it works. Instructions: 1. Simply download the zip file (2.78GB): (MEGA):. (MEGA) I've uploaded the file on Mega.
Once the link is opened you must press the 'Download' button. (The link is adfly, so you need to click 'Skip Ad' at the top right corner) 2. A license agreement form will pop out the first time you open any of the files. Click 'I agree' 3. You will be asked to choose the location of the original Age of Empires 3.
Navigate to the unzipped folder and find the file 'Age of Empires III' 4. Choose (Double click) the 'Age of Empires III' file 5. It will open 6.
Have fun playing!!:D.You only need to do this once!!:D You can turn on captions which is beside the settings icon at the bottom right of the video. (This video simply shows that Age of Empires III and its expansions work on the mac) Any problems email me at Have fun playing!!:D.
Posted on 10/07/13 @ 03:31 AM I'm glad you finally got over Age Sanctuary people not supporting better fan patches than theirs. I especially appreciate that you all have decided to make a patch for mac, which is almost totally neglected mod/patch-wise.
That said, many of the changes are good ones, I myself will have to test them into my own game to see if they belong, such as less Abus Gun range. However, if possible, I will confer with my available testers. A note: it may be good to let Tomahawks get a +0.5x ranged bonus vs cavalry from Lacrosse, and reduce the cost of several big buttons. Also, the texture coords, or texture co-ordinates on Big Buttons refer to a picture of 5x3, a total of 15 Big Buttons. Not all of the Big Button icons are used yet, and you just put in the right texture coordinates and viola, you can use the unused art files. There is one that is for Coyote Runners, about 3 for Warchiefs, 1 for Cannons, 1 for Tepees, etc., that were not used in the original game. I highly advise looking into this, especially if you want to add new big button techs into the game.
I'd advise taking the SPC Ossuary Building, copy it at the end of the file, and add stuff from a bank to it, and make its use a university-type building. If you want, you can use the name and all the techs I had ideas about and add them into your patch (I called mine Observatory, but beware of using University, because the Napoleonic Era (NE) crowd will get angry about their supposed 'copyright'). Copying the SPC Cherokee Warhut could double as a Porcelain Tower Building/Universty-type building for the Native Americans.
In my own mod, I don't have too many techs for this building (about 9-12 for Iroquois and Sioux), in correspondence to the Observatory (about 30 for each civ), or the Aztec Great Temple (Aztec Factory-type building with special Warrior Priest Upgrades). About Warriors Priests + Fire Pit: if you increase their build limit, say to 15, then 15 Warrior Priests can dance at the Fire Pit. If 25, then 25 can dance there.
As far as I know, 25 is the limit, otherwise the animation glitches up (its coded only to have 25 art-bones in dancers). A suggestion by Sporting Lisbon in my patch was to give Pikemen 130 HP, 10 attack, with 4x vs cavalry and 3.2x vs Light Infantry. Afterwhich Veteran Pikemen would give +0.10 armor to Pikemen. Also, increasing their maximum hand attack range slightly (though it makes them more vulnerable to musketeers), would give them a great edge over cavalry units.
I even tested giving Pikemen 1 area, but I didn't like the results, so I kept the original improved design. The FP 1.2 team also had ideas about reducing Musketeer ranged damage. So, in my patch, Muskets have 21 ranged damage, 1.1x vs Cavalry. Fortress give them +.05x to +0.1x bonus vs Hand Infantry, correspondingly 21 x1.05 = 22.05, or 21 x 1.1 = 23.1 damage, thus the same. Ashigarus have 23 ranged damage, 1.1x vs cavalry, increased hand attack (11), etc.
Janissaries just get 1.1x vs Cavalry, Sepoys have 185 HP, 24 ranged damage, 1.1x vs cavalry, Tomahawks have 20 ranged damage, 1.1x vs Cavalry, +0.4x ranged bonus vs Cavalry from Big War Hut Lacrosse, etc. Royal Guard upgrades could be 800 wood, 800 coin. This has been suggested many times over and over, but so far, my patch is one of the few that includes it.
Counter Infantry Rifling, after the above Musket Change, could give +0.75x vs Heavy Infantry, and +0.33x vs Light Cavalry, to prevent skirmishers from being the dominant unit on FP games. Oprichniks could have 55-60 siege damage, but +10% damage vs ordinary units Halberdiers could have +0.10 armor and 4.25 speed Samurai could have more hitpoints (+10 to +15%) Hand Cavalry such as Hussars/Ulhans are a little overpriced. Lategame use often drains players, so I advise 110 food, 80 coin for Hussars, 39 Train Points, and 55 food, 95 coin for Uhlans. Cossacks could be 75 food, 70 coin, because they are rarely used otherwise in Early Supremacy due to their absurdly high coin cost. These changes actually make Cuirassiers less of a problem, because indirectly it makes it easier to counter them.
Rodeleros could have 140 HP, 12 damage, 1.2 vs Hand Infantry, 1.3 Vs Halberdiers, 2.5x vs Cavalry, 2.0 vs Light Infantry - to give Spain an actual use for Tercio Pikemen, and to make Rodeleros very strong early game in a special way, allowing them to actually fight units like Doppelsoldner/Halberdiers. Historically they were vulnerable to cavalry, and used as anti-pike infantry, so it doesn't make sense to use them otherwise. Doppelsoldners could have 1.1x vs Pikemen/Halberdier units, and even 1.1x vs Hand Infantry, especially after boosting Pike Armor. Colonial Stats (if any) are really silly after the above changes, so I'd suggest sticking with Fortress Statistics except for problematic units such as Eagle Runner Knights. Throughbreds could give +10% Cavalry speed but only +5% Cuirassier speed, thus eliminating a cheap heavy cavalry Coureurs could actually train faster 28 train points, (original 29), I wouldn't advise 30.5, but rather nerf a few of France's other features to allow them to have an economic boost. Grenadiers should really be a bit cheaper, say 110 food, 50 coin, have +1 volley range (not siege range), and have much better hand attack (say 16-18, with 1.5x vs Cavalry), 0.6x ranged penalty vs. Cavalry, and 1.25x bonus vs Heavy Infantry.
After the above changes, they would desparately need this in order to counter Rodeleros/Pikemen/Musketeers, who have high-highpoints as their base. Historically, grenadiers were big men and had advantage in the melee, so this should be evident that hand infantry shouldn't just pwn them so quickly as in previous versions of the game. For the N3O Patch, I did add civilization attributes, minor ones, note - and these work very well, giving each civilization plenty of replay value.
Here is a link of them: You're free to use them if you think they seem fit to your modification. I'd also advise making Church Upgrade Units become Imperial Status and get some small boost to make them extra special, and a bit less expensive, such that Old Garde are actually a problem to deal with (like give them +2 more range & LOS than other Grenadiers), Spanish Hackapells could get +30% HP, to make them problamatic, Things like Corsolet could give also increased Pike + Musketeer Armor, less speed reduction, say -5%, Thin Red line could give -10% speed (instead of -25%). Code Napoleon could give just +10% to +20% Building Cost (down from +50%). Bestieros could cost 1300 to 1600 wood, but give 13 or 16 Crossbowmen. Quaterfage could give +15% speed to Halberdiers, to negate penalties from Corsolet and make them a problem to deal with. Rogers Rangers could give Skirmishers +2 Range & LOS.
Black Watch could give Highlanders +10% speed. Also, some could give more units, and all special one-type unit techs should make their unit type Royal Guard.
These are just a few ideas. Again I thank you for considering the Mac Community.
And thank you for giving time to do this great modification. Best of regards, murdilator iCourt File Author. Posted on 11/19/13 @ 12:28 AM 'murdilator wrote: I'm glad you finally got over Age Sanctuary people not supporting better fan patches than theirs.
I especially appreciate that you all have decided to make a patch for mac, which is almost totally neglected mod/patch-wise.' It wasn't easy. A lot of people were against the 1.3 patch on Mac due to some of the balance changes. There were some glaring imbalances though in 1.2 since it's been played on several years. I'm sure 1.3 will have imbalances as well, it's bound to happen. 'murdilator wrote: That said, many of the changes are good ones, I myself will have to test them into my own game to see if they belong, such as less Abus Gun range. However, if possible, I will confer with my available testers.'
This is a continuation of the RTS-Sanctuary Fan Patch 1.2. We balanced off of that patch with a minimalist approach, as much as we could. Opinions do vary greatly on whats 'balanced' between players though, so nothing can every be 'perfect'.
Abus Guns are still 'broken' in 1.3 but not quite as abusive. Crossbows can now not be hit and run quite as easily. If you are truly looking to fix Abus Guns, there is only one possible way to do so. Remove the siege damage and give them ranged damage. Take all the negative multipliers away and let them have at it. With some slight adjusting to attack/Ranged Resistance it's a totally balanced unit.
Tried and tested. 'murdilator wrote: A note: it may be good to let Tomahawks get a +0.5x ranged bonus vs cavalry from Lacrosse, and reduce the cost of several big buttons. Also, the texture coords, or texture co-ordinates on Big Buttons refer to a picture of 5x3, a total of 15 Big Buttons. Not all of the Big Button icons are used yet, and you just put in the right texture coordinates and viola, you can use the unused art files. There is one that is for Coyote Runners, about 3 for Warchiefs, 1 for Cannons, 1 for Tepees, etc., that were not used in the original game.
I highly advise looking into this, especially if you want to add new big button techs into the game.' I'd consider those if the change was minimal and we deemed it fitting. For instance we changed the way Fan Patch 1.1 handled Portuguese card swapping to get the infantry upgrades into colonial. We changes the way that was handled so the cards are again in the correct spots when selecting cards. 'murdilator wrote: I'd advise taking the SPC Ossuary Building, copy it at the end of the file, and add stuff from a bank to it, and make its use a university-type building. If you want, you can use the name and all the techs I had ideas about and add them into your patch (I called mine Observatory, but beware of using University, because the Napoleonic Era (NE) crowd will get angry about their supposed 'copyright'). ' We went into this with a minimalist approach.
We tried to bridge the gaps between Fan Patch 1.1 and Fan Patch 1.2. We looked for a happy medium between the two, while trying not to add anything new. The biggest change I think we did was make units the throw spears/tomahawks throw correct projectiles as opposed to musket balls. 'murdilator wrote: Copying the SPC Cherokee Warhut could double as a Porcelain Tower Building/Universty-type building for the Native Americans.
In my own mod, I don't have too many techs for this building (about 9-12 for Iroquois and Sioux), in correspondence to the Observatory (about 30 for each civ), or the Aztec Great Temple (Aztec Factory-type building with special Warrior Priest Upgrades).' Again we went into this with a minimalist type approach and weren't looking to add new things to the game, rather than just rebalance it. 'murdilator wrote: About Warriors Priests + Fire Pit: if you increase their build limit, say to 15, then 15 Warrior Priests can dance at the Fire Pit.
If 25, then 25 can dance there. As far as I know, 25 is the limit, otherwise the animation glitches up (its coded only to have 25 art-bones in dancers).' Actually there are a lot of bugs with the fire pit when you play off of ESO.
Lots of game breaking bugs that can lead to unfair abuse. This is confirmed on both PC and Mac copies of the game.
You may PM me on RTS-Sanctuary if you are interested in them, and possibly looking for a fix to the bugs. 'murdilator wrote: A suggestion by Sporting Lisbon in my patch was to give Pikemen 130 HP, 10 attack, with 4x vs cavalry and 3.2x vs Light Infantry. Afterwhich Veteran Pikemen would give +0.10 armor to Pikemen.
Also, increasing their maximum hand attack range slightly (though it makes them more vulnerable to musketeers), would give them a great edge over cavalry units. I even tested giving Pikemen 1 area, but I didn't like the results, so I kept the original improved design.' I think Pikemen are fine in my opinion.
We tested some changes to them, but they were never an issue and performed fine with micro. Everything went back to Musket type units being really just too good in general. We really wanted to change Musket units too, but we got a lot of backlash from the community so we dropped the idea. Musketeer type unit nerfs would fix a ton of problems in the game, but it's hard to get people to accept that they are too strong, on top of the long testing period we would have to perform. 'murdilator wrote: The N3O FP 1.2 team also had ideas about reducing Musketeer ranged damage.
So, in my patch, Muskets have 21 ranged damage, 1.1x vs Cavalry. Fortress give them +.05x to +0.1x bonus vs Hand Infantry, correspondingly 21 x1.05 = 22.05, or 21 x 1.1 = 23.1 damage, thus the same. Ashigarus have 23 ranged damage, 1.1x vs cavalry, increased hand attack (11), etc.
Janissaries just get 1.1x vs Cavalry, Sepoys have 185 HP, 24 ranged damage, 1.1x vs cavalry, Tomahawks have 20 ranged damage, 1.1x vs Cavalry, +0.4x ranged bonus vs Cavalry from Big War Hut Lacrosse, etc.' I'd have loved to have been able to test the Musket type unit nerfs, but the Mac community is pretty stingy on the changes. They flipped out a bit on us changing the British houses back to 10 population. They don't like changes, let alone complicated ones. 'murdilator wrote: Royal Guard upgrades could be 800 wood, 800 coin.
This has been suggested many times over and over, but so far, my patch is one of the few that includes it.' This is probably better pricing for the 10% boost Royal Guard units obtain. It's nothing the team ever looked at as most games rarely make it to that stage and when they do, the extra 800 resources for the Royal Guard upgrades didn't seem to be noticeable for us to consider a change like that. 'murdilator wrote: Counter Infantry Rifling, after the above Musket Change, could give +0.75x vs Heavy Infantry, and +0.33x vs Light Cavalry, to prevent skirmishers from being the dominant unit on FP games.' Ok 'murdilator wrote: Oprichniks could have 55-60 siege damage, but +10% damage vs ordinary units.'
I don't think anyone on Mac thinks Oprichniks are really in need of any changes. They are probably one of the only units in the game that functions EXACTLY as it was intended. The only issues I have ever heard about are cavalry boxes in mid/late game team or treaty games.
'murdilator wrote: Halberdiers could have +0.10 armor and 4.25 speed.' I personally suggested both these changes, though not together. They were both rejected due to the challenges of making them balanced for Dutch players. We had already boosted Dutch early game with a +100 wood crate, and we ran into the indirect boost Halberdiers gave Dutch. 'murdilator wrote: Samurai could have more hitpoints (+10 to +15%).' Samurai are fine statistically as is.
There is no reason to boost them what so ever. They aren't used because Ashigaru Musketeers are cheaper and perform the job of killing cavalry well enough that Samurai just won't really ever be used. No real reason to give Japan another overly strong unit. The issue here isn't so much a unit issue, but a game design issue. Ashigaru Musketeers should never have been added to the game. Samurais should have always been Japans main anti-cavalry unit.

Especially given the amount of detail that went into their fighting animation. Ensemble or Big Huge Games simply made a poor gameplay decision, and it's nothing that can be fixed in a fan patch, but could be in a full blown modification. This was discussed a ton during testing, as more of a complaint we had with the final product of the game.
'murdilator wrote: Hand Cavalry such as Hussars/Ulhans are a little overpriced. Lategame use often drains players, so I advise 110 food, 80 coin for Hussars, 39 Train Points, and 55 food, 95 coin for Uhlans.
Cossacks could be 75 food, 70 coin, because they are rarely used otherwise in Early Supremacy due to their absurdly high coin cost. These changes actually make Cuirassiers less of a problem, because indirectly it makes it easier to counter them.' I don't think that's really a problem either. In real life as warfare progressed cavalry just became less useful.
They were really already obsolete well before WWI, no one really knew it then though. That being said, from a game play point of view I don't see an issue with the units costs overall. Cuirassiers are more the issue than other cavalry being too expensive. Cheap Cuirassiers cause imbalances due to their cost effectiveness against their counters, on top of the equal economy and an extra 20 population France has compared to other civilizations.
'murdilator wrote: Rodeleros could have 140 HP, 12 damage, 1.2 vs Hand Infantry, 1.3 Vs Halberdiers, 2.5x vs Cavalry, 2.0 vs Light Infantry - to give Spain an actual use for Tercio Pikemen, and to make Rodeleros very strong early game in a special way, allowing them to actually fight units like Doppelsoldner/Halberdiers. Historically they were vulnerable to cavalry, and used as anti-pike infantry, so it doesn't make sense to use them otherwise.' I agree here historically. I disagree gameplay wise since it's already established what it's role is and strategies are designed to use the unit as is. Again we went from a minimalist perspective. Had I been on the development team, trust me I'd have never allowed 'Flaming Arrows' to get past the brain storming session.
'murdilator wrote: Doppelsoldners could have 1.1x vs Pikemen/Halberdier units, and even 1.1x vs Hand Infantry, especially after boosting Pike Armor.' I see where you are coming from again historically, but again Ensemble made this purely an anti-cavalry unit and thus we kept it. 'murdilator wrote: Colonial Stats (if any) are really silly after the above changes, so I'd suggest sticking with Fortress Statistics except for problematic units such as Eagle Runner Knights.' I take this as reference to the 9% nerf these units had been granted in Fan Patch 1.1.
I never really saw it as game changing in most cases. Let alone I don't really notice it. 'murdilator wrote: Throughbreds could give +10% Cavalry speed but only +5% Cuirassier speed, thus eliminating a cheap heavy cavalry.' I think this would be an excellent change personally. No idea what the team of testers I worked with would have thought of it. 'murdilator wrote: Coureurs could actually train faster 28 train points, (original 29), I wouldn't advise 30.5, but rather nerf a few of France's other features to allow them to have an economic boost.' It honestly doesn't change French gameplay much.
Feel free to test it. The only real big difference is if you want to play aggressive and rush you age with 13 villagers, where as you go for the more traditional build you age a grand total of 9 seconds later than you currently would on 1.2. I honestly feel if Musket units had a nerf this change could be eliminated. 'murdilator wrote: Grenadiers should really be a bit cheaper, say 110 food, 50 coin, have +1 volley range (not siege range), and have much better hand attack (say 16-18, with 1.5x vs Cavalry), 0.6x ranged penalty vs. Cavalry, and 1.25x bonus vs Heavy Infantry. After the above changes, they would desparately need this in order to counter Rodeleros/Pikemen/Musketeers, who have high-highpoints as their base. Historically, grenadiers were big men and had advantage in the melee, so this should be evident that hand infantry shouldn't just pwn them so quickly as in previous versions of the game.'
This unit has been useless since 2004 when they released the beta for AOE3. Everything including villagers counter this unit.
Age Of Empires 3 Mac Update 1.0.6

I truly believe down in my heart this unit was made specifically for the fact that when you were to use them and win, you could rub it into your opponents face. It's a troll unit at its finest.
'murdilator wrote: For the N3O Patch, I did add civilization attributes, minor ones, note - and these work very well, giving each civilization plenty of replay value. Here is a link of them: You're free to use them if you think they seem fit to your modification.' Ok 'murdilator wrote: I'd also advise making Church Upgrade Units become Imperial Status and get some small boost to make them extra special, and a bit less expensive, such that Old Garde are actually a problem to deal with (like give them +2 more range & LOS than other Grenadiers), Spanish Hackapells could get +30% HP, to make them problamatic, Things like Corsolet could give also increased Pike + Musketeer Armor, less speed reduction, say -5%, Thin Red line could give -10% speed (instead of -25%).
Code Napoleon could give just +10% to +20% Building Cost (down from +50%). Bestieros could cost 1300 to 1600 wood, but give 13 or 16 Crossbowmen. Quaterfage could give +15% speed to Halberdiers, to negate penalties from Corsolet and make them a problem to deal with. Rogers Rangers could give Skirmishers +2 Range & LOS. Black Watch could give Highlanders +10% speed.
Also, some could give more units, and all special one-type unit techs should make their unit type Royal Guard.' The Mac Balance team did talk a bit about changing a lot of these church techs. Some are way too good, while others are totally useless. Some are also a little to hard to utilize or justify. Unfortunately it came a bit late into the testing and we never had time to test it.
There were a couple ideas thrown around, but nothing stuck. 'murdilator wrote: These are just a few ideas. Again I thank you for considering the Mac Community. And thank you for giving time to do this great modification. Best of regards, murdilator' Thank You Edited on 11/19/13 @ 10:02 AM nbouteille.
Posted on 02/04/17 @ 06:23 PM Just wanted to say a huge thanks for this awesome feature that the building rotator is to me:D THANK YOU GUYSSSS HGDL v0.7.1 Login Forum Username: Password:. Statistics Downloads: 3,626 Favorites: 1 Size: 26.09 MB Added: 08/24/13 Updated: 09/08/13 WARNING: DO NOT HOTLINK TO FILES Copyright © 2001-2005. The graphical images and content enclosed with this document are viewable for private use only. All other rights-including, but not limited to, distribution, duplication, and publish by any means - are retained by HeavenGames LLC. Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for those found to be in violation.
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